Friday, March 9, 2007


I want to start this blog as a way to write down everyday all the things that I am thanful for. This is my first post. This is the first step I am taking to change my life.

Things I am thankful for today:
1. Pizza for lunch
2. Krispy Kreme donuts when I first got into work today
3. I talked to my mom and she made me feel better
4. The ability to start a blog super easy
5. Jason Mraz- "I'm Yours", this is my new favorite song
6., where I can listen to this song so easily
7. Earbuds so I can listen
8. It's Friday
9. I like my outfit today
10. Freedom at my job, no one is looking down my back to make sure I am getting work done
11. Meeting my friends and my boyfriend after work today to have a end-of-the-week drink at happy hour
12. Cheap drinks at happy hour

So those are some of the things that I am thankful for today. If anyone is reading this, maybe you could do the same. I know, I know, it seems like I am jumping on "The Secret" bandwagon. But seriously, why not? If I can have a better life, then I say try it out. It's not like I am sending any money to the people that are telling me about the Law of Attraction. I am just taking their free advice and trying to apply that to my life. Hey, makes sense to me. If you don't agree, then it doesn't impact my life at all. So there you go, I'm doing it. I'm gonna be on here at least once a day getting up the things that I am thankful for each day.

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