Friday, March 23, 2007

Catch Up

Okay okay, so I know I haven't been thankful for the last couple days. I am going to be much better. Its just been a tough week for me due to my horrible skin rash on my face. I look like such a monster, I feel bad for anyone that has to see me. Okay, so I just had to let that out, I am going to be thankful now...


1. My face hasn't always looked like this
2. It's getting better
3. I found some cream last night to use on it
4. I don't have to see myself all day
5. My boyfriend game me a mini 1G card to put in my phone
6. My family will be here this weekend
7. Made it on a two mile run last night
8. Garage sales this weekend!
9. Green tea
10. Penut butter and jelly sandwiches
11. Beautiful day yesterday and today
12. Living here, so many things to do
13. Craig's list, love it
14. Met a growth buddy on wed night, she was great
15. My hats to cover my face

That's all for today. I just am having a hard time. But it shouldn't be hard. It should be easy and fun. I just have to focus more on the things that I want:

Thank you for this great job, I am so happy now that I got the exact job that makes me so happy and I love going to work! It doesn't even feel like work anymore, it's so much fun and I love making a difference!

Thank you for my healing. I am so glad that I went through the experience of having the face rash because it makes me so much more thankful for the face that I have and appreciate the small things in life because those could be really big things to other people. Thank you so much for this wonderful life, I am so happy!

Life in abundance, Money comes easily and frequently. Life is smooth and fun and easy. I am so thankful for all those great influences around me. I am lucky in every aspect of my life, I am so blessed with this great life!

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