Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Quarter-Life Crisis - Of Course!

From the Lifeworks website -

What is a "quarterlife crisis"? Here's how authors Robbins and Wilner describe the quarterlife crisis: "The transition from childhood to adulthood -- from school to the world beyond -- comes as a jolt for which many of today's twentysomethings simply are not prepared. The resulting overwhelming senses of hopelessness and cluelessness, of indecision and apprehension, make up the real and common experience we call the quarterlife crisis." People who are going through a quarterlife crisis frequently experience some of the following:

  • intense self-doubt
  • uncertainty about the future
  • instability
  • lack of hope
  • feeling directionless
  • feeling like something is missing
  • chronic procrastination
  • disillusionment about a job or what "real life" is like
  • fear of making changes or decisions
  • overwhelmed by choices and possibilities
  • stagnation

Oh boy, best day ever, where are you?

Goes on to tell me what I can do...great! Here's how I'm dealing -

  • Avoid defining yourself by your job. It's common for people who are just starting out in the world of work to identify themselves through their jobs. You may do this because you have a very demanding job, or you may do it because it seems like your job is the easiest way of defining who you are. After all, "What do you do?" is usually one of the first questions people ask when they meet someone new. But it's important to develop a life beyond work. Try to find a few non-work activities that help you feel fulfilled, such as sports, a club or group, or volunteer work. This will help you create a more well-rounded identity.
  • Trust yourself. Many people going through a quarterlife crisis are paralyzed by fear. They are afraid of making the wrong decision or doubt their capabilities. Try not to get caught up in this kind of negative thinking. Remind yourself of your strengths, and trust that you will make the decisions that are right for you.
  • Take risks. Taking a calculated risk can be a good way of learning more about your limits and your potential. So try not to back down from reasonable risks, such as accepting a job in a new city or deciding to quit and pursue your passion.

Probably best to use all the ways to get over it, but I'm mostly just going with taking risks (I'll trust myself to take such risks, calculated may be up for debate, but it's all ambiguous anyway, right?) and quit my job and join the Peace Corps (if I can get in!) Self-worth, here I come!

Peace Corps

On August 15th, I submit my application for Peace Corps.

I went in for an interview on September 10th (2.5 hours!)

Looking for opportunites for volunteer teaching or tutoring ESL, September 18th.

Submit my 3 weeks notice on September excited but so nervous. I'm going to make every day the best day ever, I can't be miserable at my job everyday.

Yay for Peace Corps next year and for a new job until I go!